Jammin’ Blog by Rob Crowther September 2021

Just because the summer is ending doesn't mean the fun is over. Learning to play a musical instrument is a great after school activity. Our enthusiastic Big Beat Instructors teach drums, guitar, piano, vocals, bass, woodwinds, and more!

Did you know that learning a musical instrument can also help with your studies at school? According to http://www.effectivemusicteaching.com, benefits of learning to play a musical instrument include:

-Increases the capacity of your memory

-Refines your time management and organizational skills.

-Boosts your team skills.

-Teaches you perseverance

-Enhances your coordination

-Betters your mathematical ability

-Improves your reading and comprehension skills

-Increases your responsibility

Check out ten more benefits at the link: http://www.effectivemusicteaching.com/articles/directors/18-benefits-of-playing-a-musical-instrument/

For those returning to lessons or wanting to try something new at Big Beat, we will be offering our Rock Band and Drum Ensemble Classes to all current students. These group classes teach the art of playing with other musicians and perform at our annual showcase. (Among other local events) For more info on the group classes, Give us a call at (732) 774-8861

We'd also like to thank everyone who participated in our annual Showcase in Bradley Beach last month!!! We couldn't be happier with the show and can't wait to do it again. Please share your pics from the show on social media using the hashtag #bigbeatshowcase !! Here are some of our favorites!! https://www.facebook.com/page/116972098343536/search/?q=showcase

And Always Remember to Keep on Jammin!!

Joe Nevolo