Is Your Child Ready To Learn How To ROCK?!

Rock Band Classes in New Jersey

Rock Band Classes are the ultimate supplement to your child’s musical journey.

At Big Beat Music Studio, we understand not every child will  want to explore the limited selection of traditional instruments offered in their school band or school orchestra. What about the electric guitar players, pop singers, and drum set players!?

Enter Big Beat Music Studio’s Rock Band Classes!


Your child can make better grades by learning how to play with others in addition to picking up some great socialization skills. You also benefit by removing the noise from your home! :) Big Beat Music Rock Band Classes are open to students between the ages of 10 and 18 years old who are able to play or sing a few songs on their instrument.


  • Four or Five (4-5) FULL HOURS of music training each month! (Weekly one hour rock band classes. 5 Hours when there are five weeks in calendar month.)

  • State of the art equipment including electronic drum kits, electric guitars, basses, amplifiers and more

  • Private rehearsal rooms for a focused, distraction-free music class

Tuition: $59

for Four (4) 1-Hour Classes

Tuition: $75

for Five (5) 1-Hour Classes in months with 5 weeks.

These classes are only available to currently enrolled Big Beat Music students. You must have your primary music teacher’s approval to participate. If your teacher says your child is not quite ready yet, you can apply again in 6 months.


It’s EASY to sign up! You can give us a call at (732) 774-8861 or e-mail us at
You can also click on the button below & fill out the form to get started.